A closer look at Embracing Emotions

My social accounts give you insight into what therapy is like and you’ll learn a bit about me and how I work. I post mental health tips, facts, and encouraging quotes. It’s a good place to get reminders on how to look out for your emotional wellbeing.

Please note: my social media pages are not substitutions for therapy or counselling. I do not follow clients on social media due to the importance of confidentiality. Past, present and future clients are of course welcome to follow me and interact with my posts.

Here are some videos that you may find helpful:

A visual demonstration about how we process grief.

Long term relationships are hard at times, but Esther Perel, a wise relationship psychotherapist, offers some advice and insight.

Being kind to yourself is powerful. As is becoming aware of how you speak to yourself in your head, use gentler words everyday.

Social anxiety can get debilitating. You may resonate with this video, but you can ease social anxiety.

Own your feelings and communicate more directly, honestly, and assertively.

If you are in need of help now, one of the following might be helpful: